3 Signs of Weak Glutes a PT Says to Watch Out For - Mon Wellness
3 Signs of Weak Glutes a PT Says to Watch Out For

3 Signs of Weak Glutes a PT Says to Watch Out For

largeLast year I spent the last weeks of 2021 sitting on my couch, riding the last wave of coronavirus in New York and watching an obscene Netflix. When I finally got up, I decided to shake off my sedentary failure by taking a walk of miles. In retrospect, this was not a good idea. I woke up the next morning with more than a few signs of weak glutes – and I was telling people for the next month that I felt like I had broken my butt. Happy New Year to me.

I pushed my buttocks very early, when they were not as strong as I was used to – it does not take as long as you think to lose strength and muscular endurance, something I learned the hard way. My experience also reminded me how important it is to strengthen your buttocks in the beginning.

“Having strong buttocks can really make a difference in your daily life,” says physiotherapist Laurence Agénor, DPT. “Your buttocks are actually made up of three muscles: the maxillary gluteus, the medial gluteus and the gluteus maximus. Each is responsible for producing or assisting a specific movement in the hip joint. Building or maintaining strength in this This muscle group can help relieve pain, as well as improve your functional capacity and quality of life.

This is because the gluteal muscles are some of our key motivators, which supply us with all kinds of activities. “Strong middle glutes and minimal muscles, for example, could mean less knee pain with stairs,” says Dr. Agénor. “Strong gluteal muscles can help push if you are running to catch the bus or trying to keep up with your children.”

One of the best ways to find out if your buttocks are strong enough to support you is to know the red flags that can mark the weak buttocks, which Dr. deepens. Agénor below.

Indicative signs of weak buttocks

1. Pain in the lower back or pelvic area

Often, low back pain is associated with a weak core. But something most people do not realize, Dr. Agénor points out, is that your core is more than your abdominal muscles. “Your core is made up of many muscles, including your buttocks,” he says. The whole shebang must be strong and stable to support our daily functions.

Weak glutes can often be associated with pain in the waist or SI (sacrum) joint, which connects the lumbar spine to your pelvis, explains Dr. Agénor. “Reduced buttocks strength can change the optimal alignment of the posture and the position of the pelvis in the upright position or during exercise,” he says. If your back is not strong enough to hold everything in place, you could end up with an over-arched low back, “potentially causing a feeling of tightness and pain in the lumbar region.”

The Hip-Back Complex (LPHC) is another name for your core and contains dozens of muscles and bones in and around your pelvis, hips and lower back. It supports the top and bottom of your body, so any weak link in this chain can cause ups and downs.

2. I have difficulty with the stairs

Seeing that your butt muscles work like an elevator, helping you get up and down stairs or hills, it is not surprising that the problem with this energy is an indication that you have weak buttocks. “With stronger buttocks, you may notice less pain and discomfort going up and down the stairs,” says Dr. Agenor. With weak buttocks the opposite is true.

Back in December, I was climbing stairs while hiking on a hiking trail in a park near my house and I noticed that the real pain in my butt started around the point of my walk when the altitude increased, which follows Dr.’s description. Agenor.

3. Feeling tired from standing for a while

Weak glutes are a common side effect of a sedentary lifestyle. Sitting for extended periods of time can lead to dead buttock syndrome, also known as gluteal amnesia. This can manifest as numbness in the buttocks or a tingling sensation as you try to get up, Dallas Reynolds, DPT, COMT, physiotherapist at ATI Physical Therapy in Illinois, told Well + Good.

“If walking for long distances or standing for more than 10 minutes causes discomfort in the back or SI joint area, buttock augmentation may also be helpful in relieving this type of pain,” adds Dr. Agenor.

Exercises for stronger buttocks

There are no ifs, buts or buts to this: The best way to deal with any of the signs of a weak glute is with resistance training. “Some of my usual exercises for strengthening the buttocks are the bridges, the steps, the back throws and the lateral hip exercises, such as taps and leg lifts,” says Dr. Agenor. “Sometimes I incorporate a sideboard with side-mounting exercises to further strengthen the core.” Remember, your buttocks are the base of your core and are connected to your abs and back by various connective tissues, tendons and muscle structures.

“Not only are these exercises challenging, but they help with function,” adds Dr. Agenor. “These exercises are also a great opportunity to activate your transverse abdomen, one of your deep core stabilizers, which will eventually provide more support to your lumbar region.”

This workout has been scheduled by Dr. Agénor is a great place to start your butt-boosting journey:

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